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Mountain Grannies of the Bow Valley

Making a Difference for Sixteen Years


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The Mountain Grannies of the Bow Valley (Canmore and Banff) are part of an international movement. The movement supports the Stephen Lewis Foundation (SLF) in assisting grandmothers in sub-Saharan Africa who are raising their grandchildren orphaned due to HIV-AIDS. Grandmothers have a critical role to play in reclaiming hope and rebuilding resilience in their families and communities.

We assist grandmothers by raising money locally that is then distributed by SLF to support life-enhancing health, support, and income-producing projects led by and for the African grandmothers. The SLF partners with grassroots organizations in the 15 African countries most affected by the AIDS pandemic.  Their partners are flexible, long-term, and mutually accountable.

The Grandmothers to Grandmothers Campaign contributes to:

National grandmothers' gatherings organized by grandmothers and grassroots organizations to highlight grandmothers' strengths and claim their rights.


Workshops designed and facilitated by grandmothers and grassroots organizations to address identified needs such as gaining parenting skills.

Leadership skill development that equips grandmothers with skills to hold positions on local councils and advocate for themselves and their grandchildren.

Eswatini Grandmothers Gathering.png

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How Mountain Grannies Fundraise

Mountain Grannies plan and sponsor several fundraising events each year, such as the Chili Bowl Supper.

The Chili Bowl dinner on April 12th was a huge success! Many thanks to all the volunteers, restaurants and potters who all contributed to this wonderful annual fundfraiser.

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